Tuesday, December 29, 2009


4000 years ago, more or less God with a nickname YHWH or YHWEH, the closest it can get to today’s Latin alphabet answered his prophet Moses question that wanted to know who he is this way:" I AM WHO I AM".
Sometime it is important to go back to basics which we so conveniently overlook. This is attempt in that direction. I don’t know where to put this one in my numerous blogs. I guess this is better as any. It won’t fit my poem blog “ SpiritOfRumi.blogspot.com “. My hope is if one person will read it and understand it, I am successful. Maybe now, maybe years from now, long after I am gone, somebody will browse the web and find it and say this really make sense.
Over the years numerous people claim that they understand what God is and tried to tell others, that is exactly what they should think too. Sometime that happened with good will and sometime with violence and force.
The fact is we are chasing the shadow of something that flies high above and we never seen or understood it, as Rumi puts it. Even that comparison is not true and it is there just to give you an idea.
All the misconceptions about God come when we ignore the very first response that God gave Moses.
We tend to think of God as human form, even if we don’t admit it, everybody does. "We are created from God’s image, God listens, God sees, God punishes". Actually our actions or the actions of people before us punish us.
We don’t know everything about another person, our loved ones even. We don’t know what is in their heart and when they say something with Good or bad intention, we think the opposite. Those are the people we know, we see, we can touch and do activities together yet we do not fully understand what they are even sometime we spend years of our lives with them. Have you said something to your dad, your Mom, your wife, your husband they never got what you saying? Quiet often, right.
Now when it comes to God, it is totally different. Actually God can not be a subject of our understanding. God can not be a subject period. A subject is something our brain has power over it to solve, God is not. God is unsolvable. So when we claim what he is, how he is etc., we either lie for our own benefit or we deceive either ourselves or others.
Now it comes the complicated part, whoever understood this part, can understand a glimpse of God’s nature but still not knowing him. I say him because English language is so inadequate on giving God a pronoun, in this case a gender which is totally wrong.
Understanding the fact that God is not part of our world, part of existence is the first step in that direction. Can we go further than that one step? I doubt it. Existence is something that God created.
Existence is finite, has a beginning and an end. It has an origin and a lifespan, God doesn’t. We cannot call it a different kind of existence, God is not a kind either. God is part of non existence, a world that doesn’t exist. Non existence is infinite and forever, just like our souls. I believe human can achieve infinite life and be immortal and by disappearing, by turning to nothing, to non existence. And that way they can unite to God, the only way. How you do that? BY making your soul bigger than your body, your essential part not the ignored one and that is the theme of most of my poems. No one can ever understand the soul, not in a million year because science can only discover the existent world is soul is not part of it, just like God is not part of it. “They will ask you about soul, say: Mystery of soul is with God “Those are God’s words too, just like I am who I am. What was said to Mohammad about soul is not much different in meaning than what was said to Moses about who God is. The world of Non existence is off limit for our body and brains to understand, but not off limit for our souls to reach.
Now if you grasped that fact and make it purpose of your life, you are one of the few lucky ones. Religion is not going to take you there, understanding God’s words will.
Good luck!
By Kabuli
©TheCarriageHorse.com 2009

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